26 May 2009 ~ London
The Designer Baby Show champion’s real nappies ~ the must have for fashion conscious babies!
The Designer baby show will reveal just how far real nappies have come in the last decade. No longer just an eco and economic option, real nappies are now a fashionable lifestyle choice. The latest in sassy nappy style and high street chic will be shown off at The Designer Baby Show 2009
Managing Director Kirsty MacLeod says:
“I am a complete convert to real nappies. With all the funky patterns now available, a real nappy is now an extension of your baby’s wardrobe. Real nappies really are a win win option not only do they save you money and help the environment they are also ascetically pleasing unlike ugly looking disposables. I’m a busy working full time mum of 2 so the new pocket nappies that you simply Velcro an and go are great for me”
The Designer baby show plans to showcase the very best real nappies currently available in the UK.
Managing Director Kirsty MacLeod says:
The Designer baby show plans to showcase the very best real nappies currently available in the UK.
Managing Director Kirsty MacLeod says:
“we plan to dispel all the myths surrounding real nappies and have taken the decision to ban all disposable nappy companies from the show and all future shows. With billions of disposable nappies simply dumped in land fill sites each year we feel it’s time a major show showcased this current problem”
Home laundered nappies could save parents around £500 on the cost of keeping a baby in nappies. You can buy all the nappies and waterproof covers you need for your baby's nappy wearing life on the high street for £50, about the cost of seven weeks’ of disposables.
Disposable nappies are made of super absorbent chemicals, paper pulp and plastics, while real nappies are mostly made of natural fabrics. Organic cotton and hemp nappies and organic wool waterproof covers are available at a reasonable cost.
Nearly three billion nappies are thrown away in the UK every year. Most (90%) end up in landfill;that’s nearly eight million nappies a day. We do not know how long it takes for the plastics in disposable nappies to decompose but it could take hundreds of years.
The Designer Baby Show will be showcasing the very best in Real nappies at the first national Designer Baby Show on the 15th of November 2009 in Berkshire UK.
If you are a real nappy company and would like to get involved with the show please do contact us.
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