Tuesday, 25 August 2009
The Cosy Shopper Joins The Designer Baby Show ~ As Seen On Dragons Den

Babycotpod joins The Designer Baby Show

The Babycotpod™ was born!
Babycotpod™ products are currently in development and will hopefully be available to buy at the end of the year '09.
Annabel Karmel Braised Beef with sweet potato

Suitable from 6 months
Suitable for freezing
Prep time 8 minutes
Cooking time one and a quarter hours
One of the best ways to introduce red meat is to combine it with a sweet tasting root vegetable like sweet potato.
20g butter
1 leek, washed and sliced (approx 150g)
125g braising steak, cut into cubes
1 tbsp flour
275g sweet potato, peeled and chopped
100g button mushrooms, sliced
300 ml chicken stock
juice of one orange (about 120 ml)
Melt the butter in a casserole and saute the leek for about 4 minutes until softened. Roll the meat in the flour, add to the leek and sauté until browned. Add the mushrooms and sauté for one minute. Add the sweet potato, stock and orange juice. Bring to the boil and transfer to an oven preheated to 180C / 350 F/ Fan 160C for 1 ¼ (one and a quarter hours) or until the meat is tender. Blend to the desired consistency.

Annabel Karmel Introducing Fish - 100 top Baby Purees

Babies and toddlers needs are different from an adult’s – a low-fat, high fibre diet is good for adults but not appropriate for babies or young children as they need more fat and concentrated sources of calories and nutrients to fuel their rapid growth.
It isn’t a good idea to continue giving only fruit and vegetable purees for too long .
Babies also need nutrient dense foods like meat, chicken, cheese etc.. They also need iron which is found in red meat and essential fatty acids that are found in fish
Iron is very important for your baby’s mental and physical development. A baby is born with a store of iron that lasts for about 6 months. After this it is important that your baby gets the iron she needs from her diet. Iron in foods of animal origin like red meat or poultry are much better absorbed than iron in foods of plant origin like green vegetables or cereal. Combining meat with sweet root vegetables is appealing for babies and cooking it slowly gives it a delicious flavour and makes it very tender. If you are bringing your baby up on a vegetarian diet, lentils are a good source of iron and you can make delicious baby purees using lentils and vegetables.
It’s hard to find jars of puree containing fish, however fish is a fantastic food for babies. Oily fish like salmon is particularly important for the development of your baby’s brain, vision and nervous system. A baby’s brain triples in size in the first year and so its important to include oily fish in your baby’s diet from 6 months.
Here is one of my favourite ways to introduce fish.

This is a good puree for introducing your baby to fish. Cheese sauce and butternut squash go well together . You could use mature Cheddar instead of parmesan and you could use plaice or hake instead of cod. The puree has a fairly runny consistency so if you are making this for older babies you could reduce the amount of milk you add.
Suitable for Freezing
Suitable from 6 months
Prep time 10 minutes
Cooking time 15 minutes
30g onion, finely chopped
15g butter
85g peeled and cubed butternut squash
15g plain flour
150 ml milk
50 ml vegetable stock
100g fillet of cod, skinned cut into small cubes
30g fresh grated parmesan
Steam the squash for about 7 minutes or until tender. Melt the butter and sauté the onion for 3 to 4 minutes. Stir in the flour and cook for 1 minute. Gradually add the milk and stock, bring to the boil and simmer for one minute. Add the steamed squash and chunks of cod cook for 3 minutes. Blend to a puree and stir in the cheese.
Clare Byam-Cook Joins The Designer Baby Show

Clare is a trained nurse and midwife with over twenty two years experience with the last two decades spent at Christine Hill’s antenatal practice in London. She is a breastfeeding expert whose celebrity client list includes Natasha Kaplinsky, Kate Winslet, Trinny & Susannah, Elizabeth Murdoch, Helena Bonham Carter, Gabby Logan, Nicola Formby and Daisy Donovan.
Her success rates in helping mothers to breastfeed are phenomenal: a dept of Health survey in 2000 found that only 42% of new mothers who start breastfeeding are still doing so at 6 weeks. However for those mothers with existing breastfeeding problems who consult Clare, at least 87% of them are still breastfeeding 6 weeks later.
‘I just can’t praise her enough’
Kate Winslet
‘Clare is a true ‘baby whisperer’ who will save you and your baby hours of torment. Her kind, common-sense and amazingly informed advice was as essential to me as breast-pads and chocolate.’
Kate Beckinsale
‘I booked Clare to come round the day my fourth child was born, and the breast-feeding has, for the first time, worked from the first day.’
Emma Freud
‘Breast-feeding is one of those things you go through life assuming to be natural and easy, but when I was pregnant I began to hear lots of horror stories about bleeding nipples and awful pain. So I booked Clare to come and see me by way of a pre-emptive strike. It was fantastic. She showed me how to place the baby at the right level using a pillow and pretty early on I was able to feed him, hands-free.’
Helena Bonham Carter
Tickets now on sale
Annabel Karmel To Open The First Designer Baby Show

We are delighted to announce our celebrity guest will be Annabel Karmel MBE.
Annabel is the world's leading expert & best-selling author on Baby & Children's food & nutrition. Annabel has written 17 books, selling in excess of 2 million copies world wide. The Complete Baby And Toddler Meal Planner was first published in 1991, today it is the number one bestselling book on feeding children and has been translated into 20 different languages.
Annabel also writes for newspapers including The Times, The Daily Mail and the Sunday Mirror as well as contributing to Practical Parenting, BBC Good Food and Sainsbury's Magazine. She is the children's celebrity chef on the BBC website & also appears frequently on radio & television as the UK's expert on nutritional issues including BBC1's Saturday Kitchen and BBC2 s Working Lunch. Recently, she completed a series on the Richard & Judy Show, This Morning and Sky.
Annabel will be opening the November Designer Baby Show and giving two talks at 11am & 2pm. Tickets are onsale now http://www.thedesignerbabyshow.co.uk/
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Working From a Serviced Office
For some businesses working from home will not be suitable. However, your business my not be in the position to commit to taking on your own premises. In these circumstances the flexibility and affordability offered by serviced offices may well be the answer.
Serviced offices are usually available for either occasional hire, or on a part time or full time basis. This flexibility can be important in the early years of your business and can help save money. The amount of space required can usually be changed at fairly short notice, so as your business grows you can take on more space without needing to move offices.
Professional Image
Having a serviced office may give your business a more professional image, by providing a separate business postal address, a fax number and a receptionist to take telephone calls.
The IT and communications facilities are usually up to date and likely to be in excess of those a small start up business would be able to afford in its own right. You may also want to take advantage of the secretarial services on offer, or make use of the meeting rooms.
All of the above factors will mean that you are working in a professional office environment, which should focus your mind on your business, without the distractions that working at home may bring.
The rental payments will vary depending upon the amount of use, the length of your contract and what services you require, but they can be very reasonable when you consider that there are no separate business rates or service charges payable.
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Tess Daly & Vernon Kay welcome baby Amber into the world

The Strictly Come Dancing host had Amber Isabella at a London hospital on the 31st May. The little girl weighed 7lb 15oz
A source said: 'Tess loves motherhood more than anything and as a couple family life for them always comes first before work.'
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
The Designer Baby Show champions real nappies

The Designer Baby Show champion’s real nappies ~ the must have for fashion conscious babies!
The Designer baby show will reveal just how far real nappies have come in the last decade. No longer just an eco and economic option, real nappies are now a fashionable lifestyle choice. The latest in sassy nappy style and high street chic will be shown off at The Designer Baby Show 2009
Managing Director Kirsty MacLeod says:
The Designer baby show plans to showcase the very best real nappies currently available in the UK.
Managing Director Kirsty MacLeod says:
Friday, 15 May 2009
Tess Daly and Vernon Kay Looking forward to baby number 2

When Tess was pregnant with her first daughter Phoebe i was pregnant with my son Louis and she beat me by 4 weeks.
She told Now magazine, “Having had a caesarean last time and not having gone through the whole process of labour, this time I’ve opted to do it naturally. So, though pretty petrified by the prospect of the unknown, if billions of women have done it before me I’d like to think I can give it a go,”
The couple got married in 2003 and live in Fulmer, Buckinghamshire. Earlier this year Vernon revealed that the couple longed to add to their brood.
Unlike Tess i actually went through 17 .5 hours of labour with my first little boy (now 4) and it was very painful!
Baby Bottles can damage your childrens teeth after 12 months

What is Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?
It is a serious dental disease affecting infants and children. Tooth decay that results from improper feeding practices. It may involve one or several teeth and usually occurs on the upper front teeth.
How might your child get Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?
If your child sleeps with a bottle.
If your child has a bottle for long periods during the day.
If you child sucks on a pacifier dipped in honey, syrup or anything sweet.
Baby Bottle Tooth Decay may cause:
Many cavities
Crooked permanent teeth
Ear and speech problems
Possible emotional problems
Helpful hints for breaking the bottle habit:
Do not give your child a bottle at any time other than for feeding.
Teach you child to use a cup at about 6 months of age so by age 1 the bottle may be eliminated.
What can be used to calm and quiet you child?
Give a security blanket, teddy bear or a plain pacifier
Sing or play music
Hold or rock your child
Give back rub
Use a musical mobile
Read a book or tell a story
Put you child to bed without a bottle. Do not let your child walk around or sit with a bottle during the day.
Trade the bottle for a cup by 1 year of age.
Brush your child's teeth as soon as they appear in the mouth.
Visit the dentist regularly, starting between ages 2 and 3, earlier if a problem exists.
Avoid giving your child sugary foods.
Make sure your child receives fluoride. Fluoride toothpaste, fluoride water and fluoride treatments or drops are excellent sources.
Sorce DuPage County Health Department
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Jade goody effect will save many lives!

According to Sara Hiom from Cancer Research UK, the tragic death of the reality star, who passed away aged 27, had sent the number of examinations soaring sky high.
“The Jade effect” had left waiting time for the tests leap from two weeks to as much as two months while the number of hits on the Cancer Research UK website’s cervical cancer pages had also jumped from 100,000 in January to almost 400,000.
“Jade’s legacy will be to help save lives. Her tragic plight brought important cervical cancer awareness messages into living rooms across the UK,” the Daily Star quoted Sara as saying.
She added: “Jade’s story has led to hundreds of thousands of people wanting information on the disease.”
The NHS Cancer Screening Programme further said it was trying to keep up with the towering demand.
A Department of Health spokesman said: “We are aware that there has been increased demand on cervical screening services due to recent media attention.
“Some laboratories are experiencing backlogs but these are being dealt with at a local level.”
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Some baby foods may be worse than junk food

Publishing results of a survey of more than 100 foods for babies and toddlers, the Children's Food Campaign said Farley's rusks were 29 percent sugar and some Cow & Gate toddler biscuits contained trans fats, which have been linked to heart disease.
"The results of this survey are staggering," said Christine Haigh, spokeswoman for the CFC.
The CFC survey found that 100g of Farley's Original Rusks, made by Heinz, contained 29g of sugar, more than that contained in the same weight of some chocolate digestive biscuits.
Heinz Toddler's Own Mini Cheese Biscuits contained 7.3g of saturated fat per 100g, more than the 6.7g in an equal weight piece of a McDonald's quarter pounder burger with cheese.
Cow & Gate, which makes a range of baby and toddler formula milks and foods, responded to the survey by halting production of its baby biscuits.
"In discussion with the Food Standards Agency we have already taken the decision to discontinue our baby biscuits, when we became aware of the presence of hydrogenated fat, which contains a very small amount of trans fats," a spokeswoman said.
"Farley's Rusks have been enjoyed by generations of babies, and some adults too, for 120 years," it said in a statement. "Enriched with vitamins and minerals, the unique Farley's Rusk recipe has remained virtually unchanged."
The CFC, part of food and farming campaign group Sustain, said it examined the nutritional content of 107 baby and toddler foods available in UK supermarkets in March.
It found only half the products were low in saturated fat, salt and sugar, as defined in Britain's Food Standards Agency guidance.
The Funky Fairy Launches The Babydam AS SEEN ON ITV THIS MORNING

Parents love the safety and intimacy created by the new and unique BabyDam bathwater barrier which turns the family bath at home into baby's own bath - from newborn to toddler.
Available blue, BabyDam can be fitted in seconds and seals perfectly in any chosen position across all standard straight sided baths.
In these days of climate change, water shortages and ever rising energy costs, BabyDam bathwater barrier will save water, save heating, save time and save money - indeed, BabyDam will pay for itself over and over again whilst giving years of faithful service.
Bathing baby captures those wonderful moments of fun time for parent and child but filling the whole of the household bath wastes time, water and the energy to heat it. Now you don't have to. BabyDam bathwater barrier is a new and unique product which can be fitted in seconds and seals perfectly in any chosen position across all standard straight sided baths.
Parents love the safety and intimacy created by BabyDam which turns the family bath at home into baby's own bath - from newborn to toddler.
A standard straight sided bath requires around 64 litres of water to provide a suitable depth. BabyDam when positioned roughly half way along the bath will save approximately 32 litres of water per bath: some 224 litres per week or 11,648 litres per child per year.
In the UK where perhaps 700,000 babies are born each year, BabyDam could save the Country 8 billion 153 million 600 thousand litres of water per year - not to mention the energy required to heat it!
available at the funky fairy for £29.99 10% OFF DURING MAY!!
http://www.thefunkyfairy.co.uk/ viki@thefunkyfairy.co.uk
Come and see if at http://www.thedesignerbabyshow.co.uk/Holly Willoughby has baby boy!

The wait is over! Holly and Dan welcomed their baby in to the world today so it’s celebration time over here at officialhollywilloughby.com! The couple released the following statement:
Monday 11th May 2009
TV presenter Holly Willoughby and her husband Dan Baldwin are delighted to announce the birth of their son, Harry James Baldwin.
Harry was born this afternoon at 1.18pm and weighs 7lb 4oz. Mother and baby are doing well.
Congratulations Holly and Dan, we can’t wait to meet the little fella.
Monday, 11 May 2009
That Cute Website Joins The Designer Baby Show

Dedicated to providing the UK with quality-crafted items sourced from a team of youthful, creative and passionate designers who only use highest quality materials and standard of workmanship, the colours are bold, the textures are unique and the styles range from classic to trendy.
Managing Director Kruti Shah says “This is not just another baby boutique. That Cute Website’s concept is to make available a large selection of designs and brands at competitive prices that do not compromise quality under any circumstances. All of the children's clothing, toys, and gifts are sourced personally and are chosen for quality and comfort, as well as good design and practicality. As a mother myself, I know just how important that is in ones buying decisions. Parents will love the quality and functionality and little ones will look the bee’s knees!”
That Cute Website showcases amazing artwork from Oopsy Daisy Fine Art for the nursery, a selection of traditional toys which harp back to your own much loved childhood, couture clothing for little trendsetters and an array of unusual gifts sure to delight both the deserving mummy or mum-to-be or angelic baby.
The new range for Spring/Summer includes a selection of holiday essentials such as little Valise’s and suitcases for the intrepid traveller, trinket totes for your princess to carry her prized Tiffany jewellery and the Baby Sense Calming Hamper so the parents can get some R&R when the kids drift off to sleep.
Visit That Cute Website at the Designer Baby Show in November for the Autumn/Winter line.
Hopscoth Kids Joins The Designer Baby Show

Husband & wife team opened the first shop in Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire in 2008. They had found it hard to find stylish, original items for their two young daughters so they decided to set up the shop they were looking for!
All theproducts are individually selected by them, including fairtrade and organic ranges. They offer you high standards of quality, good value and knowledge of how our products are sourced. They primarily buy from independent British companies who offer the same personal service that they offer you.
They have now added an line shop to offer the Hopscotch Kids collection to customers who cannot always get to our shop, but still want that something special and want to be confident that they are getting outstanding quality.
We can be contacted on 01279 505051 or by email helen@hopscotch-kids.co.uk.
Celebrity Mum Katie Price and Peter Andre to split

A statement from Can Associates said the pair "have both requested that the media respect their families' privacy at this difficult time".
The couple have two children together - Junior, three, and Princess Tiamii, who is nearly two years old.
Friday, 8 May 2009
Hot Products @ The Designer Baby Show BUMPSTERS

Your guide to whats HOT at the show
From ~ Bumpsters ~ £29.99
What a brilliant idea! These wonderful new Bumpsters come in many colours and sizes to fit on your little ones cot.
These pads cushion the cot bars and stops bangs and protects your babies head, ensuring a peaceful and safe night's sleep.
Bumpsters can be arranged in a variety of different ways to offer protection for babies of all ages. Coming in a variety of colours and patterns for boys and girls.
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Why Exhibit at The Designer Baby Show 2009

As a Sponsor, Exhibitor or Presenting Expert, you will
INSPIRE parents who are seeking the best resources,SHARE
the passion you have for your business through FACE TO
FACE interactions with highly qualified clientele and
CREATE long lasting relationships with consumers who need
your products or services!
If your business sells products, offers services or is a resource that new or expectant parents or their families can use, this event is for YOU! Even if you currently have a strong brand identity, already utilizer other advertising mediums and have plenty of loyal customers, joining The Designer Baby Show will benefit your business!
The Designer Baby Show is an extremely cost effective method of reaching your target market. For less than the cost of a small advertisement in a national magazine, you can speak directly to your target audience and showcase your products & services.
It’s a great opportunity to increase your brand’s awareness, market your products/services face to face and drive direct sales. Plus, create new customer leads for future business, conduct market research and make new business contacts - all on one day!
We Also have 2 spaces available for sponsorship for the event so if you would like more information please contact us.
We are now taking bookings for exhibition space for the show, contact us now for our early booking discount
About The Designer Baby Show

Bringing together both high-profile brands and less well-known names (those hard-to-find but brilliant-to-discover companies), The Designer Baby Show presents the most covetable collection of 100 companies offering everything for stylish mummy's to be to babies and toddlers.
It makes the complex task of planning your new arrival much simpler. Instead of spending weeks requesting company brochures, visiting designers shops, trawling the internet and hitting the phone, you can spend one day in a relaxed and focused environment at The Designer Baby Show finding everything you need.
New exhibitor list The Designer Baby Show
That Cute Website
The Hedge Pig
Phoenix Cards
Impala Impressions
Aquarius Beauty
Mon Bébé Perfumes Limited
Milly Bee
Create an Impression
The Funky Fairy
Kicsi Baby
Mummy Looks Fab
Sleepy Tot
Mollie Moo
Usbourne Books
My Chocolate Occasion
Premier Baby Occasions
The Designer Baby Show 15th November 2005

The Designer Baby Show November 2009
The Designer Baby Show sponsored by That Cute Website inaugural show is on Sunday 15th November, Bringing together both high-profile brands and less well-known names (those hard-to-find but brilliant-to-discover companies). The Designer Baby Show presents the most covetable collection of 100 companies offering everything for stylish mummy's to be to babies and toddlers. Offering a hassle-free shopping experience for parents-to-be and new parents, with credit-crunching bargains as well as expert advice and entertainment for the whole family.
The show will bring all that is good about the British baby industry for the first time outside of London.
Parents to be and new parents can test and compare all the leading products, buy irresistible luxuries from boutique retailers and discover the latest, innovative products.
It makes the complex task of planning your new arrival much simpler. Instead of spending weeks requesting company brochures, visiting designer’s shops, trawling the internet and hitting the phone, you can spend one day in a relaxed and focused environment at The Designer Baby Show finding everything you need.
For those with bumps on board or babies in tow, The Café offers the chance for visitors to indulge their cravings for fresh food and drink. Plus there are lots of seating areas to relax in at the show.
The Baby Show is designed to be completely hassle-free; wide aisles; free Shopping Drop-Off and Collect by Car facilities; Baby Changing Room with free nappies and wipes; and the Feeding Area with free baby food, a private breastfeeding area and full bottle warming facilities.
Why not take a record of the event? Visitors can also take advantage of the opportunity to have a photograph taken of their baby or toddler by a professional photographer, and enter the Search for The Face of The Designer Baby Show 2010.